On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 04:50:12PM +0100, Rémi Chatenay wrote: > We are experiencing some slow queries due to the query planner using an > incorrect index. It is using an unoptimized index because the stats are > computed during the night when the data is not the same as during the day. > > CREATE INDEX index_conversations_on_user_id_and_status ON > public.conversations USING btree (user_id, status); > > CREATE INDEX index_conversations_on_status ON public.conversations USING > btree (status) > > The slow query is the following: > > SELECT id FROM conversations WHERE status = 'in_progress' AND user_id = 123 > > There are hundreds of conversations with a status 'in_progress' at a given > time during the day but virtually none during the night. > > So when the analyze is run during the night, PG then thinks that using the > index_conversations_on_status will return almost no rows and so it uses > this index instead of the combined one. > > When the analyze is run during the day, PG correctly uses the right index > (index_conversations_on_user_id_and_status)
> We currently run a manual weekly vacuum analyze during the night. I'm > wondering what are our possible solutions. One is to manually run the > analyze during the day but is there a way to tell PG to run the auto > analyze at a given time of the day for example ? I guess we are not the > first ones to have data patterns that differ between when the analyze is > run and the query is run. I think you could run manual ANALYZE during the day just for this one column: ANALYZE conversations (status); If it takes too long or causes a performance issue, you could do: SET default_statistics_target=10; ANALYZE conversations (status); You could also change to make autovacuum do this on its own, by setting: ALTER TABLE conversations SET (autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=0.005); If that works but too slow, then maybe ALTER TABLE .. SET STATISTICS 10. -- Justin