generally, you shouldn't be disabling your constraints, especially if you
are having multiple parallel processes accessing your db.
instead, you should create them DEFERRABLE and have them checked at the end
of your transaction.

regarding your question about NOT NULL: it is not possible to have it
deferred (please check this page:
you may alter your column, remove it, and then get it back, but still all
rows will have to be checked, which I doubt you would like to see on a
large table.

regards, milos

On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 9:00 PM Nagaraj Raj <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Can we disable not null constraints temporarily in the session-based
> transaction, like we disable FK constraints?
> SET session_replication_role = ‘replica’;
> alter table table_name disable trigger user;”
> above two options are working for unique constraints violation exception.
> Thanks,
> Rj

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