On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 02:09:03PM -0500, Philip Semanchuk wrote:
> Bien merci, yes, I've visited most of those links and learned an enormous 
> amount from them. I've downloaded many of them for re-reading, including 
> yours. :-) It's helpful to be reminded of them again.
> EXPLAIN ANALYZE tells me what choices the planner made, but it doesn't tell 
> me why the planner made those choices. For instance, Tomas Vondra's post 
> enabled me to calculate how the planner arrived at its estimate of 7 rows for 
> one node of my query. I would prefer not to reverse engineer the planner's 
> calculation, but instead have the planner just tell me. 
> If I was able to combine that information with a summary of the planner's 
> algorithm (a lot to ask for!), then I could understand how the planner chose 
> its plan.
> The query I asked about in the original post of this thread has 13 relations 
> in it. IIUC, that's 13! or > 6 billion possible plans. How did the planner 
> pick one plan out of 6 billion? I'm curious, both for practical purposes (I 
> want my query to run well) and also because it's fascinating.

I hestitate to suggest it, but maybe you'd want to use 


which will print out costs of each plan node considered.

You could also read in selfuncs.c and costsize.c and related parts of the


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