
Good Morning!

Postgres Version :  11.6  (AWS Native Postgres/AWS Aurora  tried on both 

When i'm joining two tables the primary index is not being used.  While is use  
in clause with values then the index is being used.  I have reindexed all the 
tables,  run the auto vaccum as well.

pgwfc01q=> select count(*) from chr_simple_val;
(1 row)

pgwfc01q=> select count(*) from chr_emp_position;
(1 row)

The primary key for the table chr_Simple_val  contains OID.   Still not using 
the index.

I'm sharing the explain plan over here..

pgwfc01q=> explain analyze select 
cep.HOME_DEPT_OID,ctc.oid,ctc.category,ctc.code from chr_emp_position cep inner 
join chr_Simple_Val ctc on ctc.oid=cep.HOME_DEPT_OID;
                             QUERY P
 Hash Join  (cost=49299.91..51848.83 rows=651 width=42) (actual 
time=3512.692..3797.583 rows=228 loops=1)
   Hash Cond: ((cep.home_dept_oid)::text = (ctc.oid)::text)
   ->  Seq Scan on chr_emp_position cep  (cost=0.00..2437.77 rows=436 width=11) 
(actual time=44.713..329.435 rows=22
8 loops=1)
         Filter: ((("current_user"())::text <> ANY 
('{wfnadmin,skipvpd}'::text[])) AND f_sel_policy_all(vpd_key, 'CH
R_EMP_POSITION'::character varying) AND 
f_sel_policy_prod_locale((cep.*)::character varying, prod_locale_code))
         Rows Removed by Filter: 3695
   ->  Hash  (cost=49176.40..49176.40 rows=9881 width=31) (actual 
time=3467.907..3467.908 rows=13158 loops=1)
         Buckets: 16384  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 1031kB
         ->  Seq Scan on chr_simple_val ctc  (cost=0.00..49176.40 rows=9881 
width=31) (actual time=2.191..3460.929 r
ows=13158 loops=1)
               Filter: ((("current_user"())::text <> ANY 
('{wfnadmin,skipvpd}'::text[])) AND f_sel_policy_ty_static(
vpd_key) AND f_sel_policy_prod_locale((ctc.*)::character varying, 
               Rows Removed by Filter: 75771
 Planning Time: 0.297 ms
 Execution Time: 3797.768 ms
(12 rows)

Thank you..

Ramesh G

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