On Tue, Sep 08, 2020 at 10:30:50AM +0000, Dirk Krautschick wrote:
> Update: Better title and format corrections
> Hi %,
> in order to be able to readjust the effects of the stored procedure and, if 
> necessary, to save turnaround times, different requests can be concatenated 
> using semicolons for bundling several statements in one request. We did some 
> tests against a postgres cluster.
> The results in terms of optimizations are as follows:
> Batchsize  | clients|  count Queries | average s/query| comment
> --------------|---------|----------------------|----------------------|-
> 1          | 1            |  15.86k        |  2.24ms             | 
> 10         | 1            |  31.80k        |  332us              | 
> 25         | 1            |  31.75k        |  312us              | 
> 50         | 1            |  32.00k        |  280us              | 

I guess you're looking at the minimum of 280us.

; 1/(280e-6) * 60

> the question remains why this is so.

You can't expect it to go a billion times faster just by putting a billion
queries in one request, and at 50 batches it looks like you've hit the next
performance bottleneck.  Whether that's CPU / IO / network / locks / RAM /
planner / context switches / logging / ??? remains to be seen.

> Does anyone has experience with something similar or are there some
> hints about how to optimize the postgres cluster for such bundled statements?

I think at this step you want to optimize for what the statements are doing,
not for the statements themselves.  Could you send a query plan for the stored
procedure ?

Also, you'd maybe want to think if there's a way you can avoid making 100s of
1000s of requests per second, rather than trying to optimize for it.  Can you
make another stored procedure which handles N requests rather than calling this
SP N times ?  There's no guarantee that won't hit the same or other bottleneck,
until you see what that is.


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