Hi Dirk,
There are a bunch of other things to consider besides just TPS and size
of database. Since PG is process-bound, I would consider connection
activity: How many active connections at any one time? This greatly
affects your CPUs. SQL workload is another big factor: a lot of complex
queries may use up or want to use up large amounts of work_mem, which
greatly affects your memory capacity.
Bunch of other stuff, but these are my top 2.
Michael Vitale
Dirk Krautschick wrote on 8/24/2020 12:39 PM:
are there any nice rules of thumb about capacity planning in relation the
amount of transactions or request per second?
For example, if I have around 100 000 transactions per second on a 5 TB
With what amount of Memory and CPUs/Cores and which settings would you basically
Start to evaluate the performance.
Or are there any other recommendations or experiences here?
Thanks and best regards