On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 02:34:52PM -0700, Ken Tanzer wrote: > Hi. I've got a query that runs fine (~50ms). When I add a "LIMIT 25" to > it though, it takes way longer. The query itself then takes about 4.5 > seconds. And when I do an explain, it takes 90+ seconds for the same query!
Due to the over-estimated rowcount, the planner believes that (more) rows will be output (sooner) than they actually are: -> Nested Loop Semi Join (cost=47.11..31367302.81 ROWS=611586 width=336) (actual time=47.098..97236.123 ROWS=25 loops=1) So it thinks there's something to be saved/gained by using a plan that has a low startup cost. But instead, it ends up running for a substantial fraction of the total (estimated) cost. As for the "explain is more expensive than the query", that could be due to timing overhead, as mentioned here. Test with "explain (timing off)" ? https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/using-explain.html#USING-EXPLAIN-CAVEATS -- Justin