On Mon, 2020-05-04 at 20:12 +0100, James Thompson wrote:
> The change is abrupt, on the 10th execution (but I hadn't spotted it was 
> always after the
> same number of executions until your suggestion - thanks for pointing me in 
> that direction).
> I don't see any custom configuration on our end that changes the threshold 
> for this from 5->10.
> Debugging the query call I also see that PgConnection has the 
> prepareThreshold set to 5.
> Additionally, the execution plans for the 10th + following queries look fine, 
> they have the
> same structure as if I run the query manually. It's not that the query plan 
> switches,
> it seems as though the same query plan is just > 200X slower than usual.
> As for the heap fetches -> as far as I can tell, on both occasions the 
> fetches are relatively
> low and shouldn't account for minutes of execution (even if one is lower than 
> the other).
> Looking through one days logs I do find cases with lower heap fetches too, 
> for example as
> below which has 1977 fetches instead of the previous 6940 but took approx the 
> same time:
> ->  Index Only Scan using table1_typea_include_uniqueid_col16_idx on table1 
> table1alias1  (cost=0.56..17.25 rows=1 width=60) (actual 
> time=56.858..120893.874 rows=67000 loops=1)
>         Index Cond: (col20 = $2005)
>         Filter: (((col3 = $2004) OR (col3 IS NULL)) AND ((col8)::text = ANY 
> ((ARRAY[$1004, ..., $2003])::text[])))
>         Rows Removed by Filter: 2662793
>         Heap Fetches: 1977
>         Buffers: shared hit=84574 read=3522
> Would you agree the statement threshold / heap fetches seems unlikely to be 
> causing this? Any other thoughts?

It does sound suspiciously like custom plans vs. generic plan.

If you are using JDBC, then the cut-off of 10 would make sense:
the JDBC driver uses (server) prepared statements only after the
fifth execution, and the prepared statement will use a generic plan
only after the fifth execution.

It would be good to see the execution plan from the third, seventh
and thirteenth execution.  You could use "auto_explain" for that.

Laurenz Albe
Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com

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