po 30. 3. 2020 v 18:02 odesílatel Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> napsal:

> Pavel Stehule <pavel.steh...@gmail.com> writes:
> > po 30. 3. 2020 v 10:12 odesílatel Silvio Moioli <m...@suse.de> napsal:
> >> ->  Sort  (cost=299108.00..300335.41 rows=490964 width=79)
> >>         (actual time=6475.147..6494.111 rows=462600 loops=1)
> >>         Output: rhnpackagecapability_1.name,
> >>         rhnpackagecapability_1.version, rhnpackagecapability_1.id
> >>         Sort Key: rhnpackagecapability_1.name
> >>         Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 79862kB
> >>         Buffers: shared hit=7217
> >>         ->  Seq Scan on public.rhnpackagecapability
> rhnpackagecapability_1  (cost=0.00..252699.00 rows=490964 width=79) (actual
> time=0.016..59.976 rows=490964 loops=1)
> >> ->  Sort  (cost=299108.00..300335.41 rows=490964
> >>         width=79) (actual time=6458.988..6477.151 rows=462600 loops=1)
> >>         Output: rhnpackagecapability.id,
> >>         rhnpackagecapability.name, rhnpackagecapability.version
> >>         Sort Key: rhnpackagecapability.name
> >>         Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 79862kB
> >>         Buffers: shared hit=7217
> >>         ->  Seq Scan on public.rhnpackagecapability
> (cost=0.00..252699.00 rows=490964 width=79) (actual time=0.012..50.467
> rows=490964 loops=1)
> > I did some tests and it looks so a penalization for sort long keys is not
> > too high. In your case it is reason why sort is very slow (probably due
> > slow locales). Then the cost of hash join and sort is similar, although
> in
> > reality it is not true.
> Yeah, the run time of the slow query seems to be almost entirely expended
> in these two sort steps, while the planner doesn't think that they'll be
> very expensive.  Tweaking unrelated cost settings to work around that is
> not going to be helpful.  What you'd be better off trying to do is fix
> the slow sorting.  Is rhnpackagecapability.name some peculiar datatype?
> If it's just relatively short text strings, as one would guess from the
> column name, then what you must be looking at is really slow locale-based
> sorting.  What's the database's LC_COLLATE setting?  Can you get away
> with switching it to C?

There is another interesting thing

               ->  Hash Join  (cost=18263.69..18347.78 rows=1 width=10)
(actual time=173.223..173.750 rows=1100 loops=1)
                     Output: wanted_capability_1.ordering,
                     Hash Cond: (wanted_capability_1.name = (
                     Join Filter: (NOT (wanted_capability_1.version IS
DISTINCT FROM (rhnpackagecapability.version)::text))
                     Buffers: shared hit=7217
                     ->  CTE Scan on wanted_capability wanted_capability_1
(cost=0.00..22.00 rows=1100 width=68) (actual time=0.000..0.070 rows=1100
                           Output: wanted_capability_1.ordering,
wanted_capability_1.name, wanted_capability_1.version
                     ->  Hash  (cost=12126.64..12126.64 rows=490964
width=79) (actual time=172.220..172.220 rows=490964 loops=1)
                           Output: rhnpackagecapability.id,
rhnpackagecapability.name, rhnpackagecapability.version
                           Buckets: 524288  Batches: 1  Memory Usage:
                           Buffers: shared hit=7217
                           ->  Seq Scan on public.rhnpackagecapability
(cost=0.00..12126.64 rows=490964 width=79) (actual time=0.008..52.573
rows=490964 loops=1)
                                 Output: rhnpackagecapability.id,
rhnpackagecapability.name, rhnpackagecapability.version
                                 Buffers: shared hit=7217

CTE scan has only 1100 rows, public.rhnpackagecapability  has 490964 rows.
But planner does hash from public.rhnpackagecapability table. It cannot be
very effective.


>                         regards, tom lane

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