> Also, it's not required, but I think a typical partitioning schema would > have > an index on the column being partitioned. I see you have an index on > iot_data(metadata,lower(data)), so I still wonder whether you'd have better > results partitioned on metadata, or otherwise maybe adding an index on > "device". But I don't know what your typical queries are. > > I understood now why u suggested an index on the partition column. It depends on how many distinct values of the partition column I'll have in that partition. Thanks for the suggestion , good idea !
- pg12 partitions show bad performance vs pg96 Mariel Cherkassky
- Re: pg12 partitions show bad performance vs pg96 Mariel Cherkassky
- Re: pg12 partitions show bad performance vs pg96 David Rowley
- Re: pg12 partitions show bad performance vs pg9... Mariel Cherkassky
- Re: pg12 partitions show bad performance vs... Mariel Cherkassky
- Re: pg12 partitions show bad performanc... Justin Pryzby
- Re: pg12 partitions show bad perfo... Mariel Cherkassky
- Re: pg12 partitions show bad p... David Rowley
- Re: pg12 partitions show bad perfo... Mariel Cherkassky
- Re: pg12 partitions show bad performance vs pg96 Justin Pryzby