Le ven. 6 déc. 2019 à 18:18, Mike Schanne <mscha...@kns.com> a écrit :

> Hi all,
> This question is somewhat related to my previous question:
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/0871fcf35ceb4caa8a2204ca9c38e330%40USEPRDEX1.corp.kns.com
> I was attempting to measure the benefit of doing a VACUUM FULL on my
> database.  I was using the query found here:
> https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Show_database_bloat
> However, I got an unexpected result in that the “wastedbytes” value
> actually increased for some tables after doing the vacuum.
> current_database |   schemaname   |         tablename         | tbloat |
> wastedbytes |
> iname                              | ibloat | wastedibytes
> ------------------+----------------+---------------------------+--------+-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+--------+--------------
> postgres         | myschema | mytableA                      |    1.1 |
> 74440704 | myindex1
> |    0.2 |            0
> postgres         | myschema | mytableA                      |    1.1 |
> 74440704 | myindex2
> |    0.2 |            0
> postgres         | myschema | mytableA                      |    1.1 |
> 74440704 | myindex3
>                           |    0.2 |            0
> postgres         | myschema | mytableA                      |    1.1 |
> 74440704 | myindex4
> |    0.2 |            0
> postgres         | myschema | mytableB                      |    1.0 |
> 63324160 | myindex5
> |    0.0 |            0
> ...
>   current_database |   schemaname   |         tablename         | tbloat |
> wastedbytes |
> iname                             | ibloat | wastedibytes
> ------------------+----------------+---------------------------+--------+-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+--------+--------------
> postgres         | myschema | mytableA                      |    1.1 |
> 74506240 |
> myindex4                                                          |    0.2
> |            0
> postgres         | myschema | mytableA                      |    1.1 |
> 74506240 |
> myindex3                                                          |    0.2
> |            0
> postgres         | myschema | mytableA                      |    1.1 |
> 74506240 | myindex2
>     |    0.2 |            0
> postgres         | myschema | mytableA                      |    1.1 |
> 74506240 |
> myindex1                                                          |    0.2
> |            0
> postgres         | myschema | mytableB                      |    1.0 |
> 63332352 |
> myindex5                                                          |    0.0
> |            0
> ...
> This is the schema for mytableA above:
>     Column     |            Type             |
>                  Modifiers
> ---------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
> colA          | integer                     | not null default
> nextval('myschema.myseq'::regclass)
> colB          | integer                     |
> colC          | integer                     |
> colD          | timestamp without time zone |
> colE          | json                        |
> colF          | integer                     |
> colG          | integer                     |
> I was wondering if the fact that we use a json column could be interfering
> with the wastedbytes calculation.  Can anyone explain how wastedbytes could
> increase from a vacuum?

This query uses the column statistics to estimate bloat. AFAIK, json
columns don't have statistics, so the estimation can't be relied on (for
this specific table at least).


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