Hi all, look at this short story please: foo=# CREATE TABLE Test(id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY); CREATE TABLE foo=# INSERT INTO test SELECT row_number() OVER() FROM pg_class a CROSS JOIN pg_class b; INSERT 0 388129 foo=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM Test WHERE id = '8934'; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Only Scan using test_pkey on test (cost=0.42..8.44 rows=1 width=4) Index Cond: (id = 8934) (2 rows)
foo=# ALTER TABLE Test DROP CONSTRAINT Test_pkey; ALTER TABLE foo=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM Test WHERE id = '8934'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on test (cost=0.00..6569.61 rows=1 width=4) Filter: (id = 8934) (2 rows) foo=# SELECT max(id)/2 FROM Test; ?column? ---------- 194064 (1 row) foo=# CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Test_pk0 ON Test(id) WHERE id < 194064; CREATE INDEX foo=# CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Test_pk1 ON Test(id) WHERE id >= 194064; CREATE INDEX foo=# ANALYZE Test; ANALYZE foo=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM Test WHERE id = 8934; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Only Scan using test_pk0 on test (cost=0.42..8.44 rows=1 width=4) Index Cond: (id = 8934) (2 rows) foo=# DROP INDEX Test_pk0; DROP INDEX foo=# DROP INDEX Test_pk1; DROP INDEX foo=# CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Test_pk0 ON Test(id) WHERE mod(id,2) = 0; CREATE INDEX foo=# CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Test_pk1 ON Test(id) WHERE mod(id,2) = 1; CREATE INDEX foo=# ANALYZE Test; ANALYZE foo=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM Test WHERE id = '8934'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on test (cost=0.00..6569.61 rows=1 width=4) Filter: (id = 8934) (2 rows) Why is that index never used? PS: there is a performance question behind this, big table, heavily used index, the hope was that with this simple scheme of partitioning just the index one might distribute the load better. I know, if the load really is so big, why not partition the entire table. But just for hecks, why not this way? regards, -Gunther