Dear expert,

Could you please review and suggest to optimize performance of the PLSQL 
procedure in PostgreSQL?
I have attached the same.

Thanks in advance

Dinesh Chandra



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-----Function to get weather forcast based on threshold value of weather 

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dome.geteffectiveforcast4(
        coldmaxtemp double precision,
        coldmintemp double precision,
        hotmaxtemp double precision,
        hotmintemp double precision,
        windmax double precision,
        windmin double precision,
        rainmax double precision,
        rainmin double precision,
        humiditymax double precision,
        humiditymin double precision,
        snowmax double precision,
        snowmin double precision)
    RETURNS SETOF "TABLE(lockey text, from_time timestamp without time zone, 
to_time timestamp without time zone, weathertype text, flood_height text, 
severity text)"
    LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
    COST 100.0
    ROWS 1000.0
AS $function$

  RETURN QUERY select s."LocKey",min(s.dt) from_time, max(s.dt) to_time,'Red 
Cold Temperature' as WeatherType,'' as "Flood_height",'' as "Severity" from (
               select "LocKey","Date" + "Time" as dt,
                           row_number() over (partition by "LocKey" order by 
"Date" + "Time") as rn,
                          ("Date" + "Time" - (concat(row_number() over 
(partition by "LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time"),' hours')::interval)) as grp
               from dome."AccuWeatherForcastHourly" where "Temperature"<0
                           order by "LocKey", "Date" + "Time") s
                           group by s."LocKey",s.grp 
                          select s."LocKey",min(s.dt) from_time, max(s.dt) 
to_time,'Amber Cold Temperature' as WeatherType,'' as "Flood_height",'' as 
"Severity" from (
              select "LocKey","Date" + "Time" as dt,row_number() over 
(partition by "LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time") as rn,
                          ("Date" + "Time" - (concat(row_number() over 
(partition by "LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time"),' hours')::interval)) as grp
              from dome."AccuWeatherForcastHourly" 
              where "Temperature">=coldmintemp and "Temperature"<= coldmaxtemp 
              order by "LocKey", "Date" + "Time") s
                          group by s."LocKey",s.grp 
                          select s."LocKey",min(s.dt) from_time, max(s.dt) 
to_time,'Red Hot Temperature' as WeatherType,'' as "Flood_height",'' as 
"Severity" from (
              select "LocKey","Date" + "Time" as dt,row_number() over 
(partition by "LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time") as rn,
              ("Date" + "Time" - (concat(row_number() over (partition by 
"LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time"),' hours')::interval)) as grp
              from dome."AccuWeatherForcastHourly" where "Temperature" > 
              order by "LocKey", "Date" + "Time") s
              group by s."LocKey",s.grp 
                          select s."LocKey",min(s.dt) from_time, max(s.dt) 
to_time,'Amber Cold Temperature' as WeatherType,'' as "Flood_height",'' as 
"Severity" from (
              select "LocKey","Date" + "Time" as dt,
              row_number() over (partition by "LocKey" order by "Date" + 
"Time") as rn,
              ("Date" + "Time" - (concat(row_number() over (partition by 
"LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time"),' hours')::interval)) as grp
               from dome."AccuWeatherForcastHourly" 
              where "Temperature" between hotmintemp and hotmaxtemp 
              order by "LocKey", "Date" + "Time") s
              group by s."LocKey",s.grp 
                         select s."LocKey",min(s.dt) from_time, max(s.dt) 
to_time,'Red Wind Speed' as WeatherType,'' as "Flood_height",'' as "Severity" 
from (
             select "LocKey","Date" + "Time" as dt,
             row_number() over (partition by "LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time") 
as rn,
             ("Date" + "Time" - (concat(row_number() over (partition by 
"LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time"),' hours')::interval)) as grp
              from dome."AccuWeatherForcastHourly" 
              where "Wind Speed" >windmax 
              order by "LocKey", "Date" + "Time") s
              group by s."LocKey",s.grp
                         select s."LocKey",min(s.dt) from_time, max(s.dt) 
to_time,'Amber Wind Speed' as WeatherType,'' as "Flood_height",'' as "Severity" 
from (
             select "LocKey","Date" + "Time" as dt,
             row_number() over (partition by "LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time") 
as rn,
             ("Date" + "Time" - (concat(row_number() over (partition by 
"LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time"),' hours')::interval)) as grp
              from dome."AccuWeatherForcastHourly" 
              where "Wind Speed" between windmin and windmax
              order by "LocKey", "Date" + "Time") s
              group by s."LocKey",s.grp

                        select s."LocKey",min(s.dt) from_time, max(s.dt) 
to_time,'Red Rain' as WeatherType,
                        s."Flood_height",s."Severity" from (select 
"LocKey","Date" + "Time" as dt,
                        row_number() over (partition by "LocKey" order by 
"Date" + "Time") as rn,
            ("Date" + "Time" - (concat(row_number() over (partition by "LocKey" 
order by "Date" + "Time"),' hours')::interval)) as grp
                        ,fc."Flood_height",fc."Severity" from 
dome."AccuWeatherForcastHourly",dome.flood_config2 fc
                        where "Rain" >rainmax and "Rain" between 
fc."Accuweather_MinRain" and fc."Accuweather_MaxRain"
                        order by "LocKey", "Date" + "Time") s
                        group by s."LocKey",s.grp,s."Flood_height",s."Severity"

                         select s."LocKey",min(s.dt) from_time, max(s.dt) 
to_time,'Amber Rain' as WeatherType,s."Flood_height",s."Severity" from (
             select "LocKey","Date" + "Time" as dt,
             row_number() over (partition by "LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time") 
as rn,
             ("Date" + "Time" - (concat(row_number() over (partition by 
"LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time"),' hours')::interval)) as grp
             ,fc."Flood_height",fc."Severity" from 
dome."AccuWeatherForcastHourly",dome.flood_config2 fc 
              where "Rain" between rainmin and rainmax and "Rain" between 
fc."Accuweather_MinRain" and fc."Accuweather_MaxRain" 
              order by "LocKey", "Date" + "Time") s
              group by s."LocKey",s.grp,s."Flood_height",s."Severity"
                        select s."LocKey",min(s.dt) from_time, max(s.dt) 
to_time,'Red Snow' as WeatherType,'' as "Flood_height",'' as "Severity" from (
             select "LocKey","Date" + "Time" as dt,
             row_number() over (partition by "LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time") 
as rn,
             ("Date" + "Time" - (concat(row_number() over (partition by 
"LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time"),' hours')::interval)) as grp
              from dome."AccuWeatherForcastHourly" 
              where "Snow" >snowmax
              order by "LocKey", "Date" + "Time") s
              group by s."LocKey",s.grp
                         select s."LocKey",min(s.dt) from_time, max(s.dt) 
to_time,'Amber Snow' as WeatherType,'' as "Flood_height",'' as "Severity" from (
             select "LocKey","Date" + "Time" as dt,
             row_number() over (partition by "LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time") 
as rn,
             ("Date" + "Time" - (concat(row_number() over (partition by 
"LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time"),' hours')::interval)) as grp
              from dome."AccuWeatherForcastHourly" 
              where "Snow" between snowmin and snowmax
              order by "LocKey", "Date" + "Time") s
              group by s."LocKey",s.grp
                        select s."LocKey",min(s.dt) from_time, max(s.dt) 
to_time,'Red Humidity' as WeatherType,'' as "Flood_height",'' as "Severity" 
from (
             select "LocKey","Date" + "Time" as dt,
             row_number() over (partition by "LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time") 
as rn,
             ("Date" + "Time" - (concat(row_number() over (partition by 
"LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time"),' hours')::interval)) as grp
              from dome."AccuWeatherForcastHourly" 
              where "Humidity" >humiditymax
              order by "LocKey", "Date" + "Time") s
              group by s."LocKey",s.grp
                        select s."LocKey",min(s.dt) from_time, max(s.dt) 
to_time,'Amber Humidity' as WeatherType,'' as "Flood_height",'' as "Severity" 
from (
             select "LocKey","Date" + "Time" as dt,
             row_number() over (partition by "LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time") 
as rn,
             ("Date" + "Time" - (concat(row_number() over (partition by 
"LocKey" order by "Date" + "Time"),' hours')::interval)) as grp
              from dome."AccuWeatherForcastHourly" 
              where "Humidity" between humiditymin and humiditymax
              order by "LocKey", "Date" + "Time") s
              group by s."LocKey",s.grp;



-----Query executing the above Weather Forcast function

Select GA.*,forcast.from_time::date as fromdate,forcast.from_time::time as 
fromtime,forcast.to_time::date as todate,forcast.to_time::time as 
totime,forcast.weathertype,forcast.flood_height,forcast.severity as 
flood_severity from dome.gridassetinfo3 GA 
forcast where forcast.lockey = cast(GA.lockey as text)

---Function to get lightning impacted asset information

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dome.getlightningimpactedassets(
        asset_table text,
        buffer double precision)
    RETURNS SETOF "TABLE(lightningdate date, lightningtime time without time 
zone, latitude double precision, longitude double precision, amplitude double 
precision, distance double precision, feedername character varying, assetid 
bigint, assetcategory character varying, asset_xy character varying, 
customer_xy character varying)"
    LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
    COST 100.0
    ROWS 1000.0
AS $function$
from dome.lightning light join dome.gridassetinfo3 ga
                                where ga.assettable=asset_table; 


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