On 06/12/2018 02:18 PM, Murthy Nunna wrote:
pg_upgrade -V
pg_upgrade (PostgreSQL) 10.4
pg_upgrade -b /fnal/ups/prd/postgres/v9_3_14_x64/Linux-2-6/bin -B
/fnal/ups/prd/postgres/v10_4_x64/Linux-2-6/bin -d /data0/pgdata/ifb_prd_last -D
/data0/pgdata/ifb_prd_last_104 -p 5433 -P 5434 -r -v –c
Looks good to me. The only thing that stands out is that in your
original post you had:
-p 5432
and above you have:
-p 5433
Not sure if that makes a difference.
The only suggestion I have at the moment is to move -c from the end of
the line to somewhere earlier on the chance that there is a bug that is
not finding it when it's at the end.
Adrian Klaver