Hi all, Thank you so much for your valuable responses.Tried every aspect which you have said for my sub-query. I hoped a better decrease in cost for my main query. But yes it decreased but not to a great extent. What I felt is to provide the main query and the associated table definitions in the query. Please help me to tune the following big query. select res.id id, row_number() OVER () as sno, res.header_id, res.emp_id, res.alias alias, res.name as name, res.billed_hrs billed_hrs, res.unbilled_hrs unbilled_hrs, res.paid_time_off paid_time_off, res.unpaid_leave unpaid_leave, res.breavement_time breavement_time, res.leave leave, res.state, count(*) OVER() AS full_count, res.header_emp_id, res.header_status from ( select history.id as id, 0 as header_id, '0' as emp_id, row_number() OVER () as sno, user1.alias_id as alias, partner.name as name, ( select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where timesheet_header_id=header.id and work_order_no != 'CORPORATE') billed_hrs, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where timesheet_header_id=header.id and release_no = 'unbillable_time') as unbilled_hrs, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where timesheet_header_id=header.id and release_no = 'paid_time_off') as paid_time_off, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where timesheet_header_id=header.id and release_no = 'unpaid_leave') as unpaid_leave, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where timesheet_header_id=header.id and release_no = 'bereavement_time') as breavement_time, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where timesheet_header_id=header.id and date >='2018-04-16' and date <='2018-04-30' and release_no in ('sick_leave','casual_leave','privilege_leave','optional_holiday') ) as leave, (case when tl_status.state = '' then 'Waiting for approval' else tl_status.state end) as state, header.res_employee_id as header_emp_id, status.name as header_status from tms_workflow_history history, res_users users, res_users user1, res_partner partner, tms_timesheet_status status, tms_timesheet_header header left join tms_workflow_history tl_status on tl_status.timesheet_id=header.id and tl_status.active=True and tl_status.group_id=13 where history.timesheet_id=header.id and header.res_employee_id=user1.res_employee_id and status.id=header.status_id and history.user_id=users.id and user1.partner_id=partner.id and header.timesheet_period_id = 127 and (history.state = 'Approved' ) and history.current_activity='N' and history.is_final_approver=True and history.active = True union select 0 as id, header.id as header_id, '0' as emp_id, 0 as sno, users.alias_id as alias, partner.name as name, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where work_order_no != 'CORPORATE' and res_employee_id=users.res_employee_id and date in (select date::date from generate_series((select start_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),(select end_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),'1 day'::interval) date)) billed_hrs, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where release_no = 'unbillable_time' and res_employee_id=users.res_employee_id and date in (select date::date from generate_series((select start_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),(select end_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),'1 day'::interval) date)) as unbilled_hrs, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where release_no = 'paid_time_off' and res_employee_id=users.res_employee_id and date in (select date::date from generate_series((select start_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),(select end_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),'1 day'::interval) date)) as paid_time_off, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where release_no = 'unpaid_leave' and res_employee_id=users.res_employee_id and date in (select date::date from generate_series((select start_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),(select end_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),'1 day'::interval) date)) as unpaid_leave, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where release_no = 'bereavement_time' and res_employee_id=users.res_employee_id and date in (select date::date from generate_series((select start_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),(select end_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),'1 day'::interval) date)) as breavement_time, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where res_employee_id=users.res_employee_id and date >='2018-04-16' and date <='2018-04-30' and release_no in ('sick_leave','casual_leave','privilege_leave','optional_holiday') ) as leave, 'Not Submitted' state, header.res_employee_id as header_emp_id, 'Not Submitted' as header_status from res_users users, res_partner partner, tms_timesheet_status status, tms_timesheet_header header where header.res_employee_id=users.res_employee_id and status.id=header.status_id and users.partner_id=partner.id and status.name='Draft' and header.timesheet_period_id=127 and header.res_employee_id in (some ids) union select 0 as id, 0 as header_id, users.res_employee_id as emp_id, 0 as sno, users.alias_id as alias, partner.name as name, 0 as billed_hrs, 0 as unbilled_hrs, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where release_no = 'paid_time_off' and res_employee_id=users.res_employee_id and date in (select date::date from generate_series((select start_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),(select end_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),'1 day'::interval) date)) as paid_time_off, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where release_no = 'unpaid_leave' and res_employee_id=users.res_employee_id and date in (select date::date from generate_series((select start_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),(select end_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),'1 day'::interval) date)) as unpaid_leave, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where release_no = 'bereavement_time' and res_employee_id=users.res_employee_id and date in (select date::date from generate_series((select start_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),(select end_date from tms_timesheet_period where id=127),'1 day'::interval) date)) as breavement_time, (select SUM( floor(effort_hours) + ( (effort_hours - floor(effort_hours)) / 0.6 )) from tms_timesheet_details where res_employee_id=users.res_employee_id and date >='2018-04-16' and date <='2018-04-30' and release_no in ('sick_leave','casual_leave','privilege_leave','optional_holiday') ) as leave, 'Not Submitted' state, users.res_employee_id as header_emp_id, 'Not Submitted' as header_status from res_users users, res_partner partner where users.res_employee_id not in (select res_employee_id from tms_timesheet_header where timesheet_period_id=127 and res_employee_id in ('A1','B1','C2323',--some 2000 id's)) and users.partner_id=partner.id and users.res_employee_id is not null and users.res_employee_id in ('A1','B1','C2323',--some 2000 id's) order by name ) res order by name limit 10 offset 0
Note: As it is a big query posted only a meaningful part. There 5 unions of similar type and same are the tables involved in the entire query. Sample query plan: Limit (cost=92129.35..92129.63 rows=10 width=248) -> WindowAgg (cost=92129.35..92138.46 rows=331 width=248) -> Subquery Scan on res (cost=92129.35..92133.49 rows=331 width=248) -> Sort (cost=92129.35..92130.18 rows=331 width=33) Sort Key: partner.name -> HashAggregate (cost=92112.19..92115.50 rows=331 width=33) ->* Append (cost=340.02..92099.78 rows=331 width=33)* -> WindowAgg (cost=340.02..1591.76 rows=1 width=54) (396 rows) Problem started with append in the plan. Please help me tune this query!!!! Thanks in Advance. Regards, Pavan -- Sent from: http://www.postgresql-archive.org/PostgreSQL-performance-f2050081.html