What about the many-part explanation posted on the blog that accompanies
explain.depesz.com.  Here is the first installment. I seem to remember that
there are 5 or 6 installments.


On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 8:44 AM, Gustavo Velasquez <gustavojun...@gmail.com>

> Dude,
> You can rest assured that at least the Brazilians members will always know
> based on your last name you are not the same :-).
> What's the point of explaining that anyways? Got curious.
> As to what pertains to the topic:
> This is another simple yet effective doc:
> https://wiki.postgresql.org/images/4/45/Explaining_EXPLAIN.pdf
> Execution plans are tricky and reading them accurately to make good
> decisions require a lot of experience and awareness of the situation. It
> does not only require that you know how to read the tool itself but also
> know how the DB and schemas have been designed, if stats are up to date,
> how tables are populated, frequency and type of queries, adequate indexing
> in place, the hardware it sits on, etc.
> It's a mix of science, broaden knowledge, perspicacity, and why not
> say, it's an art.
> Have a great weekend.
> ____________________________________________________________
> _______________
> Gustavo Velasquez
> +1 (256) 653-9725 <(256)%20653-9725>
> On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 7:32 AM, Flavio Henrique Araque Gurgel <
> fha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Em sex, 8 de dez de 2017 às 14:20, Guillaume Lelarge <
>> guilla...@lelarge.info> escreveu:
>>> Hi,
>>> 2017-12-08 2:12 GMT+01:00 Flávio Henrique <yoshi...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi experts!
>>>> I read this nice article about Understanding EXPLAIN [1] weeks ago that
>>>> opened my mind about the tool, but it seems no enough to explain a lot of
>>>> plans that I see in this list.
>>> Thanks.
>>> I often read responses to a plan that are not covered by the article.
>>>> I need/want to know EXPLAIN better.
>>>> Can you kindly advise me a good reading about advanced EXPLAIN?
>>> There's not much out there. This document was written after reading this
>>> list, viewing some talks (you may find a lot of them on youtube), and
>>> reading the code.
>>> I intend to update this document, since I learned quite more since 2012.
>>> Though I didn't find the time yet :-/
>>> Anyway, thanks.
>> Hello all
>> I would like to make clear that there are two "Flavio Henrique" on the
>> lists, me beeing one of them, I'd like to say that I'm not the OP.
>> A bit off-topic anyway, thanks for understanding.
>> Flavio Gurgel

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