Please see if the attached patch works.
Chuck McDevitt wrote:
Of course it is better not to remove the readonly on all files in the
target dir. That's just a workaround I did because it didn't involve
changing the perl scripts.
I don't know the "right" perl way to change the readonly attribute on a
file. If there isn't one, you could have the perl code issue "attrib"
commands on the target location for each file it is moving. Better if
there is some more "perl" way to do this.
-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Hagander [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 12:33 AM
To: Chuck McDevitt
Cc: Andrew Dunstan;
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Problem with MSVC install script
Hrrm. I wonder how likely that is, but I can see it's a problem.
That said, it's probably not a bad idea to fix it anyway - it would
correspond to setting the permissions on a unix install, which we do.
For the xcopy commansd, it should be easier to just add a /R switch.
most files are copied using the internal perl stuff - anybody know if
can be made to overwrite readonly files easily?
Also, do we really want to remove the readonly file on all the files
target dir including subdirs? That may hit a bunch of files that
actualliy "ours". Perhaps we need to process it on a file-by-file
On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 02:59:54AM -0400, Chuck McDevitt wrote:
Well, I was checking out from a different cvs server, and had things
to use CVS EDIT, where everything is read-only by default, until you
issue a cvs edit command.
So many files that aren't built by the build system, but just get
as-is, end up read-only.
But it would be true for any files set read-only.
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Dunstan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 7:45 PM
To: Chuck McDevitt
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Problem with MSVC install script
Chuck McDevitt wrote:
I was trying out the msvc support, and ran into a minor problem
If any files that are going to be installed are marked
carry the read-only attribute with them when they get copied to
install dir.
Then, if you try to run install again, the new attempt will fail
because it can't overwrite the read-only file.
I added this like to install.bat (just before the call to
to fix this for me:
attrib /S -r %1\*
Which files are read-only?
---------------------------(end of
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RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/tools/msvc/,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -c -r1.21
*** 23 Sep 2007 20:32:40 -0000 1.21
--- 24 Sep 2007 17:43:37 -0000
*** 17,22 ****
--- 17,32 ----
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(Install);
+ sub lcopy
+ {
+ my $src = shift;
+ my $target = shift;
+ unlink $target if -f $target;
+ copy($src,$target);
+ }
sub Install
$| = 1;
*** 43,49 ****
'doc/contrib', 'symbols', 'share/tsearch_data');
CopySolutionOutput($conf, $target);
! copy($target . '/lib/libpq.dll', $target . '/bin/libpq.dll');
my $sample_files = [];
File::Find::find({wanted =>
sub { /^.*\.sample\z/s &&
--- 53,59 ----
'doc/contrib', 'symbols', 'share/tsearch_data');
CopySolutionOutput($conf, $target);
! lcopy($target . '/lib/libpq.dll', $target . '/bin/libpq.dll');
my $sample_files = [];
File::Find::find({wanted =>
sub { /^.*\.sample\z/s &&
*** 113,119 ****
print ".";
$f = $basedir . $f;
die "No file $f\n" if (!-f $f);
! copy($f, $target . basename($f))
|| croak "Could not copy $f to $target". basename($f). " to $target". basename($f) . "\n";
print "\n";
--- 123,129 ----
print ".";
$f = $basedir . $f;
die "No file $f\n" if (!-f $f);
! lcopy($f, $target . basename($f))
|| croak "Could not copy $f to $target". basename($f). " to $target". basename($f) . "\n";
print "\n";
*** 131,137 ****
next if /ecpg.test/; # Skip temporary install in regression subdir
my $tgt = $target . basename($_);
print ".";
! copy($_, $tgt) || croak "Could not copy $_: $!\n";
print "\n";
--- 141,147 ----
next if /ecpg.test/; # Skip temporary install in regression subdir
my $tgt = $target . basename($_);
print ".";
! lcopy($_, $tgt) || croak "Could not copy $_: $!\n";
print "\n";
*** 173,180 ****
# Static lib, such as libpgport, only used internally during build, don't install
! copy("$conf\\$pf\\$pf.$ext","$target\\$dir\\$pf.$ext") || croak "Could not copy $pf.$ext\n";
! copy("$conf\\$pf\\$pf.pdb","$target\\symbols\\$pf.pdb") || croak "Could not copy $pf.pdb\n";
print ".";
print "\n";
--- 183,190 ----
# Static lib, such as libpgport, only used internally during build, don't install
! lcopy("$conf\\$pf\\$pf.$ext","$target\\$dir\\$pf.$ext") || croak "Could not copy $pf.$ext\n";
! lcopy("$conf\\$pf\\$pf.pdb","$target\\symbols\\$pf.pdb") || croak "Could not copy $pf.pdb\n";
print ".";
print "\n";
*** 297,303 ****
if ($d eq 'spi');
foreach my $f (split /\s+/,$flist)
! copy('contrib/' . $d . '/' . $f,$target . '/share/contrib/' . basename($f))
|| croak("Could not copy file $f in contrib $d");
print '.';
--- 307,313 ----
if ($d eq 'spi');
foreach my $f (split /\s+/,$flist)
! lcopy('contrib/' . $d . '/' . $f,$target . '/share/contrib/' . basename($f))
|| croak("Could not copy file $f in contrib $d");
print '.';
*** 315,321 ****
if ($d eq 'spi');
foreach my $f (split /\s+/,$flist)
! copy('contrib/' . $d . '/' . $f, $target . '/doc/contrib/' . $f)
|| croak("Could not copy file $f in contrib $d");
print '.';
--- 325,331 ----
if ($d eq 'spi');
foreach my $f (split /\s+/,$flist)
! lcopy('contrib/' . $d . '/' . $f, $target . '/doc/contrib/' . $f)
|| croak("Could not copy file $f in contrib $d");
print '.';
*** 359,365 ****
$target . '/include/',
'src/include/', 'postgres_ext.h', 'pg_config.h', 'pg_config_os.h', 'pg_config_manual.h'
! copy('src/include/libpq/libpq-fs.h', $target . '/include/libpq/')
|| croak 'Could not copy libpq-fs.h';
CopyFiles('Libpq headers', $target . '/include/', 'src/interfaces/libpq/', 'libpq-fe.h');
--- 369,375 ----
$target . '/include/',
'src/include/', 'postgres_ext.h', 'pg_config.h', 'pg_config_os.h', 'pg_config_manual.h'
! lcopy('src/include/libpq/libpq-fs.h', $target . '/include/libpq/')
|| croak 'Could not copy libpq-fs.h';
CopyFiles('Libpq headers', $target . '/include/', 'src/interfaces/libpq/', 'libpq-fe.h');
*** 374,380 ****
$target . '/include/internal/',
'src/include/', 'c.h', 'port.h', 'postgres_fe.h'
! copy('src/include/libpq/pqcomm.h', $target . '/include/internal/libpq/')
|| croak 'Could not copy pqcomm.h';
--- 384,390 ----
$target . '/include/internal/',
'src/include/', 'c.h', 'port.h', 'postgres_fe.h'
! lcopy('src/include/libpq/pqcomm.h', $target . '/include/internal/libpq/')
|| croak 'Could not copy pqcomm.h';
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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