On 9/7/2007 11:01 AM, Markus Schiltknecht wrote:

I'm asking for advice and hints regarding terms in database replication, especially WRT Postgres-R. (Sorry for crossposting, but I fear not reaching enough people on the Postgres-R ML alone)

I'm struggling on how to classify the Postgres-R algorithm. Up until recently, most people thought of it as synchronous replication, but it's not synchronous in the strong (and very common) sense. I.e. after a node confirms to have committed a transaction, other nodes didn't necessarily commit already. (They only promise that they *will* commit without conflicts).

This violates the common understanding of synchrony, because you can't commit on a node A and then query another node B and expect it be coherent immediately.

That's right. And there is no guarantee about the lag at all. So you can find "old" data on node B long after you committed a change to node A.

None the less, Postgres-R is eager (or pessimistic?) in the sense that it replicates *before* committing, so as to avoid divergence. In [1] I've tried to make that distinction clear, and I'm currently advocating for using synchronous only in the very strong (and commonly used) sense. I've choosen the word 'eager' to mean 'replicates before committing'.
> According to that definitions, Postgres-R is async but eager.

Postgres-R is an asynchronous replication system by all means. It only makes sure that the workset data (that's what Postgres-R calls the replication log for one transaction) has been received by a group communication system supporting total order and that the group communication system decided it to be the transaction that (logically) happened before any possibly conflicting concurrent transaction.

This is the wonderful idea how Postgres-R will have a failsafe conflict resolution mechanism in an asynchronous system.

I don't know what you associate with the word "eager". All I see is that Postgres-R makes sure that some other process, which might still reside on the same hardware as the DB, is now in charge of delivery. Nobody said that the GC implementation cannot have made the decision about the total order of two workset messages and already reported that to the local client application before those messages ever got transmitted over the wire.


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