Here's a snippet of the affix file around that line:


flag *A:
    .           >       ALI     # alivaltiosihteeri, alihankkija # line 83
    I           >       ALI\-
Just remove the rules with \-, tsearch allows only alpha character here.

ispell works just fine with it.

I found a man page describing the ispell file format with Google: Is this the same
file format tsearch accepts? It looks like the grammar we accept is only
a small subset of the ispell grammar, there's things statements like
"boundarychars", "stringchar" that we apparently don't support.

Yes,  that options are useless for dictionary:
- string char is already checked by postgres itself (by recode or verify 
- parser already splits words and default parser treat '-' as word separator

Hmm, I found another problem here. After removing that rules every works fine with fi_FI.ISO8859-1 locale but with fi_FI.UTF-8, I'll dig tomorrow into it.

Teodor Sigaev                                   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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