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Bertram Scharpf wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Donnerstag, 09. Aug 2007, 20:44:21 -0400 schrieb Andrew Dunstan:
>> Bertram Scharpf wrote:
>>> Am Mittwoch, 08. Aug 2007, 14:04:23 +0200 schrieb Bertram Scharpf:
>>>> Am Mittwoch, 08. Aug 2007, 00:52:41 +0200 schrieb Bertram Scharpf:
>>>>>  <http://www.bertram-scharpf.de/tmp/connectby.tar.gz>
>>> Nobody's answering just a line. Is it such a bore?
>> Isn't connect by the Oracle non-standard way of doing recursive queries? 
>> Please review the mailing list archives on this subject.
> I sure spent more time and effort on googling for
> "recursive" and "hierarchical" than on writing it myself in
> the end.
> My solution has two features you probably will not find in
> any Postgres or other SQL implementation.
>   - Inverse lookup. Instead of descending down the tassel
>     the path leading to the requested element is shown.
>   - A boolean field that indicates whether we have reached
>     the last element of a node. This is useful when drawing
>     a tree; you can give a ` instead of a | in front of the
>     key.
>       | Bart     false
>       | Lisa     false
>       ` Maggie   true
>     It takes almost no cost in time and memory.
>> Also, many people have their heads down trying to punch out a release, 
>> right now.
> Wouldn't the release be a good opportunity for providing
> this little tool?

It would be, except that we are past feature freeze thus if it is good
and we can use it, it will have to wait for 8.4. Don't be discouraged
though, I am sure people will pick it up and look at it. As I said in an
earlier post, I have it, but haven't have a chance to test.

Joshua D. Drake

> Thanks for your answers.
> Bertram

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