On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 06:05:06PM +0530, Pavan Deolasee wrote:
> If HOT gets into 8.3, we might need a GUC to set database wide heap
> fillfactor to an appropriate value. The only way to so today is compile
> time value of DEFAULT_HEAP_FILLFACTOR. HOT works much
> better if there is atleast one tuple worth of free space in each block.
> Otherwise atleast the first UPDATE in each block would be a COLD
> update.
> Should we consider adding such a GUC now ? I searched through
> archives, but did not find any strong objection to doing so in the past.
> But I might have missed something. Comments ?

ISTM if we add one for tables we should add one for indexes as well...

Or do we want different fill factors for different index methods?
Decibel!, aka Jim Nasby                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EnterpriseDB      http://enterprisedb.com      512.569.9461 (cell)

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