Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
Zdenek Kotala wrote:
Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
Zdenek Kotala wrote:
For sun studio -erroff=E_STATEMENT_NOT_REACHED is useful there. If you
want to determine warning tags for each warning add -errtags.
Is that supported on all versions of sun studio(Sun WorkShop 6, Sun
Studio 8,11) we have on the farm ?
Yes. Also on SS12.
hmm - sure about that ? I was about to submit a patch to disable some
compiler warnings but then I noted the following discussion thread:
which seems to indicate that at least the compiler installed on kudu:
does NOT support turning of specific warnings.
I tested it on cc version 5.3 and it works. See
-bash-3.00$ SUNWspro/SC6.2/bin/cc -V
cc: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C 5.3 Patch 111680-09 2003/05/18
usage: cc [ options] files. Use 'cc -flags' for details
-bash-3.00$ /ws/onnv-tools/SUNWspro/SC6.2/bin/cc pokus.c
"pokus.c", line 5: warning: statement not reached
-bash-3.00$ /ws/onnv-tools/SUNWspro/SC6.2/bin/cc -errtags pokus.c
"pokus.c", line 5: warning: statement not reached (E_STATEMENT_NOT_REACHED)
-bash-3.00$ /ws/onnv-tools/SUNWspro/SC6.2/bin/cc
It works since Sun Workshop 4.2 (cc: WorkShop Compilers 4.2 26 Jun 1997
C 4.2 patch 105062-01). I tested it also on SunWorkshop 2.0.1 and it
does not work there, but I belive that nobody uses ten years old
compiler :-).
Please, can you send me a cc -V output ( I think It should be added in log).
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