2007/4/7, Ottó Havasvölgyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

My simple example:

Class hierarchy and fields:
Shape (ID, X, Y)
+-Circle (ID, Radius)
+-Rectangle (ID, Width, Height)

The mapper creates 3 tables with the columns next to the class name.
And it creates 3 views. One of them:

RectangleView:  SELECT r."ID" as "ID", s."X" as "X", s."Y" as "Y", r."Width"
as "Width", r."Height" as "Height" FROM "Rectangle" r LEFT JOIN "Shape" s ON
( r.ID=s.ID)

I find this view definition a bit strange: why is there a left outer
join? I expect there to be a FK from Rectangle.ID to Shape.ID ("all
rectangles are shapes"), which makes the definition totally equivalent
with one in which a normal join is used (whether attributes of Shape
are used or not).

The main use case I see for the original optimization is ORMs that
join in a whole hierarchy, even when only a part of it is needed. I
guess that that is rather common. The ORM that I use does exactly
this, because the main target-DBMSs (MS-SQL and Oracle) do the
optimization for it.

Example (somewhat less contrived than my previous one):

Imagine an implementation of the typical "books that are borrowed by
people" n-m relationship, using three tables ("Book", "Borrowed",
"Person"). Let's find all books that have been borrowed by a certain

The "non-ORM" version would be something like:

   JOIN Borrowed ON Borrowed.book_id = Book.id
WHERE Borrowed.person_id = <x>;

Now assume that Borrowed is a class hierarchy mapped into multiple
tables by a typical ORM. The query would probably become something

        JOIN Borrowed_Parent ON Borrowed_Parent.book_id = Book.id
   LEFT JOIN Borrowed_Child1 ON Borrowed_Child1.id = Borrowed_Parent.id
   LEFT JOIN Borrowed_Child2 ON Borrowed_Child2.id = Borrowed_Parent.id
WHERE Borrowed_Parent.person_id = <x>;

It is clear that the children of the hierarchy are needlessly joined
in (as the only attribute that is actually needed is person_id, which
is on the parent level). It is not always trivial for the ORM to find
that out, without writing stuff that looks suspiciously similar to a
DBMS optimizer.

Maybe it is debatable whether this optimization should be done by the
application (i.e. the ORM) or by the DBMS. I am personally in favor of
doing it in the DBMS.


Nicolas Barbier

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