While going through some log files, we noticed that some of the log entries 
are "garbled".  For example:

2007-03-27 01:19:44.139 UTC [1761474] oxrsa aepp xx.xx.xx.xx LOG:
duratio2007-03-n: 3751.27 01:19801 ms  :44.139 statemenUTC [421940]
oxrt: EXECUsor
g aTE <unnaepp 10.4med>  [P0.136.10REPARE: 8 LOG:   select
durationname fro: 3866.1m epp_do88 ms  smain_dz_tatementnames wh:
EXECUTere nameE <unnam = $1]
2007-03-27 01:19:49.213 UTC [528480] oxrsa aepp xx.xx.xx.xx LOG:
duration: 4510.129 ms  statement: EXECUTE <unnam2007-03-ed>  [PR27
01:19EPARE:  :49
.213 select nUTC [294ame from930] oxr b_domsa aain_dz_nb
10.4ames whe0.136.10re name 7 LOG:  = $1]

Here are the logging sections in the postgresql.conf file:

log_destination = 'stderr'              
redirect_stderr = on                    
log_directory = '/opt/rg/logs/pgsql81'             
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log' 
log_truncate_on_rotation = off 
log_rotation_age = 1440        
log_rotation_size = 10240               
log_line_prefix = '%m [%p] %d %u %h '   # Special values:

We're seeing this in postgresql 8.1.8 on AIX 5.3. Also, even though we're 
using the same binaries for a bunch of clusters, we've only seen this issue 
on one of them.

Any ideas of what could cause this? 

Tim Goodaire    416-673-4126    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Database Team Lead, Afilias Canada Corp.

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