at seems like a bit of a whacky criterion to use before reviewing a patch.


It favours people who are short-sighted and don't see what possible
improvements their code has. No code in an ongoing project like this is ever
"completed" anyways.

It favors those who do not wait until the last minute, but complete them
well before the freeze date.

But wouldn't it hurt those that are continuously working the patch with the community? Just asking.

It's also an artifact of the working model we have where patches are sent in
big chunks and reviewed much later during a feature freeze. If we were
committing directly into a CVS repository we would have wanted to commit these
changes as soon as they were ready for committing, not wait until they're
"completed". Then continue working and commit further changes. It's only

This would have CVS containing uncomplete features --- and before beta,
we would either have to beg the authors to complete them, or rip them
out, neither of which we want to do.

I agree here.

I think you should be asking people whether they think the code is in a state
where it can be committed, not whether they've finished working on it. Just
because they see further work that can be done is no reason not to commit
useful patches that are functional as they are.

OK, but we don't want something that is ready to be committed, we need
it complete.

Right, feature complete does not mean bug free that is what the testing period is for.

In fact Postgres historically has had an even looser standard. If the code is
ready to be committed modulo bugs then it's been included in the feature
freeze in the past.

Well, if we know something has bugs, we fix them.  Things are committed
with bugs only because we don't know it has bugs when it was committed.

Yep :)

Joshua D. Drake


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