> "Pavan Deolasee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The problem mentioned before is hard to reproduce with the
>> suggested change, but its not completely gone away. I have
>> seen that again on CVS HEAD with the patch applied.
>> I am facing another issue with VACUUM FULL. This
>> problem gets reproduced with HOT very easily, but takes
>> few attempts to reproduce with CVS HEAD, but it
>> certainly exists.

I've developed the attached patch against HEAD, and no longer see any
funny behavior.  Would appreciate it if you'd test some more, though.

                        regards, tom lane

Index: vacuum.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/vacuum.c,v
retrieving revision 1.348
diff -c -r1.348 vacuum.c
*** vacuum.c    13 Mar 2007 00:33:40 -0000      1.348
--- vacuum.c    13 Mar 2007 18:00:14 -0000
*** 1880,1885 ****
--- 1880,1894 ----
                         * To be on the safe side, we abandon the repair_frag 
process if
                         * we cannot find the parent tuple in vtlinks.  This 
may be overly
                         * conservative; AFAICS it would be safe to move the 
+                        *
+                        * Also, because we distinguish DEAD and RECENTLY_DEAD 
+                        * using OldestXmin, which is a rather coarse test, it 
is quite
+                        * possible to have an update chain in which a tuple we 
think is
+                        * RECENTLY_DEAD links forward to one that is 
definitely DEAD.
+                        * In such a case the RECENTLY_DEAD tuple must actually 
be dead,
+                        * but it seems too complicated to try to make VACUUM 
remove it.
+                        * We treat each contiguous set of RECENTLY_DEAD tuples 
as a
+                        * separately movable chain, ignoring any intervening 
DEAD ones.
                        if (((tuple.t_data->t_infomask & HEAP_UPDATED) &&
*** 1892,1897 ****
--- 1901,1907 ----
                                Buffer          Cbuf = buf;
                                bool            freeCbuf = false;
                                bool            chain_move_failed = false;
+                               bool            moved_target = false;
                                ItemPointerData Ctid;
                                HeapTupleData tp = tuple;
                                Size            tlen = tuple_len;
*** 1919,1925 ****
                                 * If this tuple is in the begin/middle of the 
chain then we
                                 * have to move to the end of chain.  As with 
any t_ctid
                                 * chase, we have to verify that each new tuple 
is really the
!                                * descendant of the tuple we came from.
                                while (!(tp.t_data->t_infomask & 
                  HEAP_IS_LOCKED)) &&
--- 1929,1941 ----
                                 * If this tuple is in the begin/middle of the 
chain then we
                                 * have to move to the end of chain.  As with 
any t_ctid
                                 * chase, we have to verify that each new tuple 
is really the
!                                * descendant of the tuple we came from; 
however, here we
!                                * need even more than the normal amount of 
!                                * If t_ctid links forward to a tuple 
determined to be DEAD,
!                                * then depending on where that tuple is, it 
might already
!                                * have been removed, and perhaps even replaced 
!                                * tuple.  We don't want to include any DEAD 
tuples in the
!                                * chain, so we have to recheck 
                                while (!(tp.t_data->t_infomask & 
                  HEAP_IS_LOCKED)) &&
*** 1933,1938 ****
--- 1949,1955 ----
                                        OffsetNumber nextOffnum;
                                        ItemId          nextItemid;
                                        HeapTupleHeader nextTdata;
+                                       HTSV_Result     nextTstatus;
                                        nextTid = tp.t_data->t_ctid;
                                        priorXmax = 
*** 1963,1968 ****
--- 1980,1998 ----
+                                       /* must check for DEAD or MOVED_IN 
tuple, too */
+                                       nextTstatus = 
+                                       if (nextTstatus == HEAPTUPLE_DEAD ||
+                                               nextTstatus == 
+                                       {
+                                               ReleaseBuffer(nextBuf);
+                                               break;
+                                       }
+                                       /* if it's MOVED_OFF we shoulda moved 
this one with it */
+                                       if (nextTstatus == 
+                                               elog(ERROR, "updated tuple is 
already HEAP_MOVED_OFF");
                                        /* OK, switch our attention to the next 
tuple in chain */
                                        tp.t_data = nextTdata;
                                        tp.t_self = nextTid;
*** 2034,2039 ****
--- 2064,2074 ----
+                                       /* Remember if we reached the original 
target tuple */
+                                       if 
(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&tp.t_self) == blkno &&
ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&tp.t_self) == offnum)
+                                               moved_target = true;
                                        /* Done if at beginning of chain */
                                        if (!(tp.t_data->t_infomask & 
*** 2102,2107 ****
--- 2137,2149 ----
                                freeCbuf = false;
+                               /* Double-check that we will move the current 
target tuple */
+                               if (!moved_target && !chain_move_failed)
+                               {
+                                       elog(DEBUG2, "failed to chain back to 
target --- cannot continue repair_frag");
+                                       chain_move_failed = true;
+                               }
                                if (chain_move_failed)
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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