But I think a way to get around that would be to RENAME the arguments in
the DECLARE section, so user_id could become p_user_id under the covers.
It's one case. But I don't belive so result will be more readable. Better
solution is using names qualificated by function name. I am not sure if
plpgsql support it. I thing so Oracle support it and SQL/PSM support it too.
create or replace function fx(a integer, b integer)
returns void as $$
declare la integer, lb integer;
select into la, lb tab.a, tab.b
from tab
where tab.a = fx.a and tab.b = fx.b
I am sorry. I don't belive so using RENAME is better
So perhaps there is still a point to RENAME after-all, at least for
EnterpriseDB http://enterprisedb.com 512.569.9461 (cell)
Pavel Stehule
Najdete si svou lasku a nove pratele na Match.com. http://www.msn.cz/
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