The only code that is usable (and performant) is the CONNECT BY patch
made by Evgen Potemkin, It works on production servers on the 8.1.5

I hope that a WITH RECURSIVE will be in the 8.3... but I don't see
anybody working on this... (what a shame...)

Le mercredi 24 janvier 2007 à 17:27 +0000, Gregory Stark a écrit :

> I'm looking into recursive queries and what it would take to support them in
> Postgres. Is anyone else looking at this already?
> Aside from the Oracle-ish syntax were there other objections to the patch as
> posted a while back for 7.3 by Evgen Potemkin?
> I have some ideas myself for how to go about this but I'm going to review the
> existing patch first. If anyone else has ideas I would like to hear them.
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