Hi, I'm working with Postgres Source Code too, and there's a site that could be helpfull for you as it has been for me.
The site is: http://www.mcknight.de/pgsql-doxygen/cvshead/html/ Greetings... 2007/1/24, re-plore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi, I am now reading PostgreSQL source codes, but i am not familiar to this codes. So i am now seraching some sites which explaing about PostgreSQL source codes, or it's structure. If you know a good site explaing PostgreSQL's source codes. Please teach me. Thanks a lot of your conservation!
-- Luis D. García M. Telf: (+58) 2418662663 Cel.: (+58) 4143482018 - FACYT - UC - - Computación -