Peter Eisentraut wrote: > Bruce Momjian wrote: > > > + ifndef DRAFT > > > + [EMAIL PROTECTED] -s HTML.index.start HTML.index || $(MAKE) $* > > > + endif > > Why are you using $*? This isn't a pattern rule. >
Sorry, my mistake. Here is an patch to fix that. -- Bruce Momjian [EMAIL PROTECTED] EnterpriseDB + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +
Index: doc/src/sgml/Makefile =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/Makefile,v retrieving revision 1.88 diff -c -c -r1.88 Makefile *** doc/src/sgml/Makefile 9 Jan 2007 22:19:36 -0000 1.88 --- doc/src/sgml/Makefile 10 Jan 2007 01:23:40 -0000 *************** *** 96,102 **** @cp $(srcdir)/stylesheet.css . endif ifndef DRAFT ! @cmp -s HTML.index.start HTML.index || $(MAKE) $* endif --- 96,102 ---- @cp $(srcdir)/stylesheet.css . endif ifndef DRAFT ! @cmp -s HTML.index.start HTML.index || $(MAKE) $(MAKECMDGOALS) endif *************** *** 107,113 **** ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), draft) # Call ourselves with the DRAFT value set. This seems to be the only # way to set gmake variables in a rule. ! @$(MAKE) DRAFT="Y" $(MAKECMDGOALS)) else # run default 'all' rule @$(MAKE) DRAFT="Y" all --- 107,113 ---- ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), draft) # Call ourselves with the DRAFT value set. This seems to be the only # way to set gmake variables in a rule. ! @$(MAKE) DRAFT="Y" $(MAKECMDGOALS) else # run default 'all' rule @$(MAKE) DRAFT="Y" all *************** *** 159,183 **** %-A4.tex-ps: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl bookindex.sgml $( -V texdvi-output -V '%paper-type%'=A4 -o $@ $< ifndef DRAFT ! @cmp -s HTML.index.start HTML.index || $(MAKE) $* endif %-US.tex-ps: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl bookindex.sgml $( -V texdvi-output -V '%paper-type%'=USletter -o $@ $< ifndef DRAFT ! @cmp -s HTML.index.start HTML.index || $(MAKE) $* endif %-A4.tex-pdf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl bookindex.sgml $( -V texpdf-output -V '%paper-type%'=A4 -o $@ $< ifndef DRAFT ! @cmp -s HTML.index.start HTML.index || $(MAKE) $* endif %-US.tex-pdf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl bookindex.sgml $( -V texpdf-output -V '%paper-type%'=USletter -o $@ $< ifndef DRAFT ! @cmp -s HTML.index.start HTML.index || $(MAKE) $* endif %.dvi: %.tex-ps --- 159,183 ---- %-A4.tex-ps: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl bookindex.sgml $( -V texdvi-output -V '%paper-type%'=A4 -o $@ $< ifndef DRAFT ! @cmp -s HTML.index.start HTML.index || $(MAKE) $@ endif %-US.tex-ps: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl bookindex.sgml $( -V texdvi-output -V '%paper-type%'=USletter -o $@ $< ifndef DRAFT ! @cmp -s HTML.index.start HTML.index || $(MAKE) $@ endif %-A4.tex-pdf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl bookindex.sgml $( -V texpdf-output -V '%paper-type%'=A4 -o $@ $< ifndef DRAFT ! @cmp -s HTML.index.start HTML.index || $(MAKE) $@ endif %-US.tex-pdf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl bookindex.sgml $( -V texpdf-output -V '%paper-type%'=USletter -o $@ $< ifndef DRAFT ! @cmp -s HTML.index.start HTML.index || $(MAKE) $@ endif %.dvi: %.tex-ps
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings