> > Are there any tricks people have for debugging bootstrapping
processing? I
> > just need to know what index it's trying to build here and that
should be
> > enough to point me in the right direction:
> Here's what I did: you can step over functions in initdb until it
> (although I alredy know which part it's failing I guess). Restart.
> you go into that function and step until the new backend has been
> started. At this point you attach another gdb to the backend and let
> run.

How do you attach fast enough, so not all is over before you are able to
attach ?
I'd like to debug initdb failure on Windows (postgres executable not
found) when 
running make check with disabled is_admin check and --prefix=/postgres
in msys.

The program "postgres" is needed by initdb but was not found in the
same directory as


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TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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