>> but again to_date doesn't:
>> regression=# select to_date('4714-01-27 BC', 'YYYY-MM-DD BC');
>>     to_date
>> ---------------
>>  4714-01-27 BC
>> (1 row)
> I'm not concerned about to_date so much as I am that timestamp_in lets you 
> store values you can't read with timestamp_out.  Once the value is in there 
> you can happily move it around with create table as and such... 

Hmmm... if that is the case, I would also have a pretty significant
concern. We have basically created an environment that is unreliable
during a restore. Not to mention violating data type constraints.

postgres=# create table timetest (test date);
postgres=# insert into timetest
           values (to_date('4714-01-27 BC', 'YYYY-MM-DD BC'));
INSERT 159911984 1

postgres=# select '4714-01-27 BC'::date;
ERROR:  date out of range: "4714-01-27 BC"
postgres=# select cast(test as date) from timetest;
 4714-01-27 BC
(1 row)

postgres=# select cast('4714-01-27 BC' as date);
ERROR:  date out of range: "4714-01-27 BC"

This seems pretty broken.

Joshua D. Drake


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