Josh Berkus wrote:
> Mark,
>> No one could expect that this could happen by 8.2, or the release after
>> that, but as a direction for the project, the "directors" of the
>> PostgreSQL project must realize that the dump/restore is becomming like
>> the old locking vacuum problem. It is a *serious* issue for PostgreSQL
>> adoption and arguably a real design flaw.
> "directors"?  (looks around)  Nobody here but us chickens, boss.

Action, Action!.. no wait, I mean CUT!!!!

Mark, if you really want this, join one of the many teams who have tried
to do it and help them.

Joshua D. Drake


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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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