Hi everybody,
First of all i'de like to apolagize cause my poor
english. After this, i shuould say that i
beleavee a year ago i brought this problem to the community but i donn't
remember some answering about it. The problem is:
Every time a users misses a external refrenced key
the PGSql raises an exception.
Well as far as i realise if we had 5 or 10 Foreign
keys during an Insert/Update transaction only exception
should be raised reporting all erros/messages after last external refrenced
field missed at one time,not one by one.
Well, in order to implement this idea we will
need to desable the built-in refencial integrety and build it all by your self-
all the validation (look-ups etc..) before
insert/update If tg_op='insert' or tg_op='update' then as people do with
non relational Databases - all hand-made. Well, this is very hard to beleave!!!
I must be missing something.
Please i'must be wrong can some one explain me what
i'm missing?
Thanks in Advance
Mário Reis
- [HACKERS] Foreign keys MAR - Secretariado Geral
- Re: [HACKERS] Foreign keys Chris Mair
- Re: [HACKERS] Foreign keys Gregory Stark
- Re: [HACKERS] Foreign keys Stephan Szabo
- Re: [HACKERS] Foreign keys Tom Lane
- Re: [HACKERS] Foreign keys Gregory Stark
- Re: [HACKERS] Foreign k... Joshua D. Drake
- Re: [HACKERS] Forei... Kevin Brown
- Re: [HACKERS] Forei... Jim C. Nasby
- Re: [HACKERS] Foreign k... Stephan Szabo
- Re: [HACKERS] Foreign keys Stefan Kaltenbrunner