I just spent 1/2 hour fixing the multi-value UPDATE
patch for the code drift caused by UPDATE/RETURNING. The patch is a
simple grammar macro. Any coder could have taken that, reviewed it, and
applied it, but no one did.
Perhaps that's because nobody but you wanted it to go in.
We got tons of people who wanted that.
To further this, I didn't even know it was an issue. If it was only half
an hour and it needed to be done, why wasn't it put out there?
Thanks goes to Bruce for fixing it but I didn't know it was an issue, I
have 5 C developers, if any of them could have done it -- then some
communication is needed and I would have allocated someone to it.
I am sure that is the case with others as well.
I am not saying it is anyone's responsibility to speak up, but I can say
had I known some help was needed (especially something so trivial) I
would have gladly donated some time.
Joshua D. Drake
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