Maybe the connection is that while thinking about processes, we need
to take into account the need to encourage people to get early
feedback about what they are considering doing.
We say that clearly in the developer's FAQ, but it seems it is not
I just read the developer's FAQ, and just so were all honest I never had
before. :). The developers FAQ is actually quite useful, and helpful
except for this one part:
Outstanding features are detailed in the TODO list. This is located in
doc/TODO in the source distribution or at
You can learn more about these features by consulting the archives, the
SQL standards and the recommend texts (see 1.10).
No one wants to consult the archives. Nor do I believe they should have
to. I want a link, directly off the TODO line item that states specific
references on one page of what is requested. This is where the wiki
comes in.
It would also be useful to have possible dependencies. I recently saw
a patch come across from Sun, that Tom commented on, something about
increase the size of some value to 64bit. I don't recall exactly.
Tom's comments although valid (as usual :)) were that the person missed
a bunch of stuff having to do with the planner.
Some of us may think... well of course that is obvious...
Well either the Sun guy was just lazy, or it isn't obvious. I prefer to
think it is not obvious.
From Bruce's perspective this actually doesn't add too much to the
workload. Generate the link, possibly paste some archive urls into the
wiki and then someone can come behind and clean up.
Of course, who is the clean up guy is always a question.
Joshua D. Drake
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings