I'm picturing something like this:
1. Each person taking an item agrees to write at least one email each
week to -hackers detailing progress or lack of same on the item.
2. Should someone wish to relinquish a claim on a feature, there needs
to be some standard way to do a hand-off of whatever they've
done/found and announce that the feature is now available to others to
3. Should the person claiming the feature not communicate to -hackers
for some period--I'm thinking 3 weeks is about right--the item goes
back in the unclaimed pool with a message to -hackers saying that
that's what's happened.
What say?
I say that many people have been shouting on deaf ears about this topic
for a long time and that I back an idea to change our incredibility
inefficient policies on todo items.
We are like the last bastion of anarchy, refusing to except that we are
in fact a recognized and important open source project that has
responsibilities to its community.
Those responsibilities include better communication, feature tracking
and milestones...
but alas... again the walls of the canyon echo until there was nothing
but the sound of water and crickets.
Joshua D. rake
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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not