On 6/26/06, Mark Woodward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is it really nessisary make personal comments like this? Lets discuss
"ideas" not personalities or people.

Chill dude :)  All I was saying is that if you look at past threads,
this is a heavily discussed and near-religious topic.  Doing some
research before firing another shot across the bow wouldn't hurt.  I
do like the discussion though, it's good... I was just making an
observation that it could've been brought up in a little more
constructive way as there's a good amount of detail on Firebird's MVCC
(not that it's perfect either), but it's a mature implementation sort
of similar to the method you're discussing.

Please don't take it personally... it surely wasn't meant that way.

Jonah H. Harris, Software Architect | phone: 732.331.1300
EnterpriseDB Corporation            | fax: 732.331.1301
33 Wood Ave S, 2nd Floor            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Iselin, New Jersey 08830            | http://www.enterprisedb.com/

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