Tom Lane wrote:
Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
update pk set id = max(id) + 2;

I'm fairly sure this query is illegal per spec.  There are ancient
discussions in the archives about whether aggregates in an UPDATE target
list can have a consistent interpretation or not.  We never found one,
but never got around to disallowing it either.  Maybe it's time.  If you
try it with something like sum() you don't get a crash, but you do get
rather bizarre behavior.

On 8.x (7.4 and 7.3 as well) it will update "1" row :). On 8.1 and HEAD it crashes. This has been verified on 32bit, 64bit x86 and PPC.

Having said that, this may well expose a bug in the MAX-optimization
code that has consequences for more useful queries.  I'll take a look
later today if no one beats me to it.


Joshua D. Drake

                        regards, tom lane

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