Greg Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Or maybe I should insist that a matching constraint name be present *and* that
> the source text match? That's more of a pain to code though.

Yeah, that's what I'd go with.  I believe that there are bits of the
system (probably in pg_dump) that look *only* at the constraint name
when deciding what's inherited.  (This is of course bogus, but until
someone does something about coninhcount it's going to be hard to
have a non-bogus solution.)  Allowing a name mismatch would be bad.

One other point is that you should NOT rely on consrc.  See the note
at the bottom of
(Someday we should get rid of consrc altogether.)  Unfortunately it
won't do to compare conbin either, because that will contain column
numbers that won't necessarily match.  I fear you'll have to actually
reverse-compile the conbin strings and see if you get a match.

                        regards, tom lane

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