> Mark Woodward wrote: > ... >>>>> create table as select ...; followed by a copy of that table >>>>> if it really is faster then just the usual select & fetch? >>>> Why "create table?" >>> Just to simulate and time the proposal. >>> SELECT ... already works over the network and if COPY from a >>> select (which would basically work like yet another wire >>> protocol) isnt significantly faster, why bother? >> >> Because the format of COPY is a common transmiter/receiver for >> PostgreSQL, >> like this: >> >> pg_dump -t mytable | psql -h target -c "COPY mytable FROM STDIN" >> >> With a more selective copy, you can use pretty much this mechanism to >> limit a copy to a sumset of the records in a table. > > Ok, but why not just implement this into pg_dump or psql? > Why bother the backend with that functionality?
Because "COPY" runs on the back-end, not the front end, and the front end may not even be in the same city as the backend. When you issue a "COPY" the file it reads or writes local to the backend. True, the examples I gave may not show how that is important, but consider this: psql -h remote masterdb -c "COPY (select * from mytable where ID < xxlastxx) as mytable TO '/replicate_backup/mytable-060602.pgc'" This runs completely in the background and can serve as a running backup. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly