Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> Hello,
> I was dinking around wand came across something that may (or may not be
> useful).
> What if single line statements that were seperated by ; within psql were
> implicitly within a transaction?
> E.g;
> postgres=# select * from foo; update foo set bar = 'baz'; delete from bing;
> Would be a single transaction ? The begin/commit would be implicit.
> Joshua D. Drake

In psql (and in bash, etc) I like to type multiple commands separated by ';' if
I want them all to run but I don't want to wait for the first to complete before
typing the second, third, etc.  (Possibly I would rather go get a coffee while
the commands are running.)

So, I might type:


and let it fly.  It would violate the principle of least surprise if doing this
on one line caused the semantics to change.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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