No I am not... I used Eclipse for the first time just last week.
But yes, I wish to contribute to the CDT plugin. I think their Indexer
is a bit slow... it takes more than an hour (about two hours) to index
postgres' source code!!! Also, I just noticed that the background gdb
crashes when trying to open an uninitialized structure in the
'Variables' view.

   If you are talking about, Mike Taylor from Eclipse,
then I'd be delighted to get in touch with him and see if Postgres and
Eclipse can work more closely.


On 5/15/06, Josh Berkus <> wrote:

> I know it has been over a week now since I said that I'll put
> together a document that describes how to debug postgres using Eclipse
> IDE on Windows. I have finally completed the first draft and uploaded
> it here:

Hey, are you a member of the Eclipse Project?   Mike was bugging me a few
months ago about wanting more involvement by PostgreSQL people in their Data
Tools project.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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