> 0.450 ms INSERT INTO tmp SELECT * FROM bookmarks ORDER BY annonce_id
> LIMIT 20
> 0.443 ms ANALYZE tmp
> 0.365 ms SELECT * FROM tmp
> 0.310 ms DROP TABLE tmp
> 32.918 ms COMMIT

The 32 seconds for commit can hardly be catalog related. It seems the
file is
fsynced before it is dropped.

I'd hope that wasn't what's happening... is the backend smart enough to
know not to fsync anything involved with the temp table? ISTM that that
transaction shouldn't actually be creating any WAL traffic at all.
Though on the other hand there's no reason that DROP should be in the
transaction at all; maybe that's gumming things up during the commit.

I included the DROP to make it clear that the time was spent in COMMITting, not in DROPping the table. Also, you can't use CREATE TEMP TABLE AS SELECT ... and at the same time make it ON COMMIT DROP. You have to CREATE and INSERT. With an ON COMMIT DROP temp table, the global timings are the same wether or not it is dropped before commit : it is always the COMMIT which takes all the milliseconds.

I still bet on system catalog updates being the main cause of the time spent in COMMIT...
        (because ANALYZE changes this time)

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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