some time ago i was told on postgresql-general about existence of "hstore" package for postgresql.
as i understand it is being developed by the same guys that are behind tsearch2, gin and (at least) recent changes in gist.
would it be possible to include this software in main postgresql tarball? it would be best if it came as standard feature, but contrib module would also work.
if you are not familiar with hstore - this is new datatype for postgresql which allows you to store (and browse and search) any number of pairs of (key, value) in one field.
i have number of projects coming to my mind which could take advantage of something like this. the simplest thing is e-commerce site, where all custom fields (fields dependand on product type) can be stored in one, easily retrievable, field - thus reducing database load by skipping additional table scans for custom field table(s).
if you would like to check it: url is: http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/postgres/gist/hstore/README.hstore, and the software itself is downloadable from
best regards
- [HACKERS] inclusion of hstore software in main t... hubert depesz lubaczewski
- Re: [HACKERS] inclusion of hstore software ... Lukas Smith
- Re: [HACKERS] inclusion of hstore software ... Jim C. Nasby