Uff, I finally got it. It's very simple. I was trying to use dlltool
all the time, but the solution is much simplier - just use directly
the .lib file with gcc and it will handle it. So easy that it didn't
cross my mind:)

gcc "....." atomrtget.o atomrtree.o atomrtscan.o atomrtcostestimate.o 


23. dubna 2006, 20:05:00, napsal jste:

>> 5. Copy the dll to the bin directory (when I let it in the 
>> contrib directory, where also the libatomrtree.dll file with 
>> the AM functions is, so it writes out, that the modul can't 
>> be found, when loading it).
>> 6. When there is "void *header = f_header()" anywhere in the 
>> source, so when trying to load the dll (when I try to create 
>> the index), it writes out, that "function can't be found" (I 
>> got czech version, so I'm not sure, what the message is in english).
>> Does anybody got any hint, where the problem could be? I 
>> really can't find it:((

MH> If I get you right, you have *two* DLLs? One in mingw that in turn loads
MH> another one that's in VC++? If so, a couple of hints:

MH> 1) Run "depends" on the mingw DLL. It will list symbols that can't be
MH> resolved. "depends" is a part of the Windows Support Tools, on your
MH> windows CD.

MH> 2) Check that you can create a mingw *exe* that uses the functions in
MH> the VC++ DLL. If not, make sure that works first, because that should be
MH> easier to tweak.

MH> //Magnus

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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