> > Search for "is known to be dead, ignoring" to find the 
> re-used process 
> > IDs.  Things start out clean, but after a few cycles 
> anywhere between 
> > 1 and 5 backends are being missed.
> Looking at the pgstats code, I notice that once it makes an 
> entry in the dead-backends hashtable, it keeps that entry 
> (rejecting any messages with the same PID) for 10 seconds.  
> That seems like approximately forever on modern machines, 
> certainly much more than any plausible out-of-order condition 
> in the UDP packet stream.  It could easily be enough to get 
> us in trouble on Unix machines, never mind Windows.
> A conservative suggestion would be to trim down the destroy interval.
> A more radical one is to question whether we need the destroy 
> delay mechanism at all.  What if we got rid of all that logic 
> and simply let the collector delete stuff when it's told to?  
> Out-of-order messages could cause entries to be re-created 
> after they've been deleted, but I'm not sure that I see any 
> harm in that.  Bogus DB and table entries are already ignored 
> in the pgstats views (because they won't join to anything in 
> the system catalogs) and we also have a filter for bogus 
> backend entries.  There are also mechanisms that ensure these 
> entries will go away eventually: pgstat_vacuum_tabstat for DB 
> and table entries, and eventual re-use of a BackendId slot 
> for backends.
> So I'm sort of thinking that the destroy delay has outlived 
> its usefulness.

After reviewing my own patch I just sent in (stats write delay), I
realised I had just upped that from 10 seconds to 5 minutes. Which is
then even longer than forever :)
Which prompted me to consider suggesting just this - do we really need
the destroy functionality. From what I could tell it did look reasonable
to get rid of it for these reasons.


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