> > The instant someone touches a block it would no longer be marked as 
> > frozen (vacuum or analyze or other is not required) and count(*)
> > visit the tuples in the block making the correct decision at that
> Hmm, so the idea would be that if a block no longer contained any
tuples hidden from any active transaction,
> you could store the count and skip reading that page.

I like the approach of informix and maxdb, that can tell the count(*)
instantly without looking at index leaf or data pages.

Imho we could do that with a central storage of count(*) even with mvcc.
The idea is a base value for count(*) and corrective values per open
To tell the count you add all corrective values whose xid is visible in
Each backend is responsibe for compacting xid counters below min open
Periodically (e.g. at checkpoint time) you compact (aggregate committed
xid counters 
into the base value) and persist the count.

Since that costs, I guess I would make it optional and combine it with
views that are automatically used at runtime, and can at the same time
answer other 
aggregates or aggregates for groups. 
create materialized view xx_agg enable query rewrite as select count(*),
sum (col1) from xx
[group by col2];

Your page flag storage could possibly also be used for btree access, to
short circuit
the heap visibility lookup (e.g. for pages where all rows are visible
I think that your proposal is too complex if it is not used to also
improve other
performance areas. 


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