Simon Riggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 17:55 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I don't think it'd be worth having 2 types.  Remember that the weight is
>> measured in base-10k digits.  Suppose for instance
>>      sign            1 bit
>>      weight          7 bits (-64 .. +63)
>>      dscale          8 bits (0..255)

> I've coded a short patch to do this, which is the result of two
> alternate patches and some thinking, but maybe not enough yet.

What your patch does is

        sign            2 bits
        weight          8 bits (-128..127)
        dscale          6 bits (0..63)

which is simply pretty lame: weight effectively has a factor of 8 more
dynamic range than dscale in this representation.  What's the point of
being able to represent 1 * 10000 ^ -128 (ie, 10^-512) if the dscale
only lets you show 63 fractional digits?  You've got to allocate the
bits in a saner fashion.  Yes, that takes a little more work.

Also, since the internal (unpacked) calculation representation has a
much wider dynamic range than this, it'd probably be appropriate to add
some range checks to the code that forms a packed value from unpacked.

                        regards, tom lane

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