Tatsuo Ishii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  * process_duplicate_ors
>  *      Given a list of exprs which are ORed together, try to apply
>  *      the inverse OR distributive law.

> Anybody enlighten what "inverse OR distributive law" is?

Well, it's defined right above that:

 * The following code attempts to apply the inverse OR distributive law:
 *              ((A AND B) OR (A AND C))  =>  (A AND (B OR C))
 * That is, locate OR clauses in which every subclause contains an
 * identical term, and pull out the duplicated terms.

I'm not sure that "inverse OR distributive law" is standard terminology,
but I believe the implication in the other direction is usually called
the "OR distributive law".  Anyone know of better terminology?

                        regards, tom lane

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